because truth
has a different
concept of time
let us pause and rewind
December 2015
to a uterus that was lined
with me and my Day One.
Keep in mind
the twin-shaped design:
My Ride or Die
My Day (Minus) One--
it's how we as twins are
divinely defined.
I heard her heartbeat
before I heard my own
shared the same blood
as we each entered the world alone.
when a cell level one becomes a twinning two
the satient cells in your twin body know what to do.
truth is, there is none
among those who walk, swim or run
that can fully appreciate
the bond, the break,
the w(h)ole, the ache
with twins--when
they are formed.
though folks stay talkin' 'bout their Day Ones,
twins were Day Ones before our lives had begun.
December circa 2010